Tits - N1 Circa 1980. 48 pages in color and b/w. NEAR MINT Condition with slight
wear to cover.
Okay. If you're a tit lover, get ready to fall in love. These tits are some of the most remarkable hooters you'll ever
find. Luscious photos of LARGE LOBED ladies on every page. Glamorous globes galore! Positively TITanic!! The cover tells
the story!
Titter - N1 Circa 1980. 48 pages in b/w/newsprint. Very Good condition
with slight wear to cover. Page after page of HUGE TITS and PUSSY! These gals have bared it all and the poses are perfect. I love
the pix of titty self-sucking!! Spectacular!
Only one copy available.

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